About Us:

Aaron Hosier
Founder, Manager, Programmer.

Founding Virtual Creations in 1995, Aaron is the driving force behind Virtual Creations. Providing programming, content design,, and project management skills, he is the man who can get the job done right the first time. A strong presence in the computing community at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, here are just some of the projects he has been personally and professionally involved in:

UNL Blackboard
Blackboard is UNL's main distance education system. Currently hosting over 1000 courses and 15,000 students, uses of Blackboard range anywhere from simply hosting schedules and notes, to classes conducted completely online.

Instructional Technology Group,UNL
The Instructional Technology Group (ITG) was formed to support faculty and research new technologies. This group helps faculty integrate new technologies into their teaching, researches and evaluates new technolgies, maintains and troubleshoots the equipment in the multimedia classrooms, and provides operating assistance to faculty using the classrooms. Currently Aaron is working on projects including things such as Video Conferencing and ATM networking.

Virtual Classroom Project, UNL Class Web Server
One of UNL's highest priorities is the Virtual Classroom Project. A major part of this is the UNL Class Web Server. It is a server dedicated towards instruction, allowing professors to serve online materials for there classes. Various services are running on this server, including multiple web servers, a Progressive Networks Real Audio/Real Video server, Apple Quicktime Streaming server, a CU-See-Me video conferencing server, and several test/demos of class testing software.

Heather Dahm
Web Designer, Graphic Artist

Bio to come shortly

Jose Caicedo
Web Designer, Graphic Artist

Bio to come shortly

Loren Frerichs
Networking Specialist

Bio to come shortly

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